Saturday, July 7, 2007

Did someone in Edmonton get desperate?

This is courtesy

Now we all know that the Vanek offer sheet was crazy. What do you think?

We also know what the crew thinks in Buffalo. Here are some quotes from yesterday

Larry Quinn, Sabres Managing Partner: "If there's an opportunity for us to put an ofer sheet on a player; as long as we're alive, we'll be very comfortable doing it. They can expect it if it's in our best interest."

Lowe responded, "I think that was rather juvenile on their part." "It's a business. It was right for the Oilers and obviously right for the Sabres".

Interesting... looks like this could have been the first strike it what may soon rival the greatest war between the five families.

this was an actual scene from yesterday press conference.

Meanwhile, Steve Bartlett, agent to Thomas Vanek said, " It's relly a win-win situation for Thomas but Kevin and I worked diligently on this to make it a possibility."
I may be reading this wrong but is he implying that he worked with Oilers GM Kevin Lowe and this was a plan of attack they created together. If so, are there rules against this? Could this be the newest route to forcing a team into a contract favorable to your player? Are they even allowed to have contact? Someone please find an answer. Quote was in today's Montreal Gazette.


CanadianPanthersFan said...

Edmonton truly is desperate IMO, but why Vanek, everyone knew the Sabres would match ANY offer, especially after Briere/Drury left.

Anonymous said...

I don't know if they are so desperate. Like I've heard from other places, it may just be set-up for the next offer sheet. But Edmonton certainly making themselves look like fools. Trading away a franchise player at th despair of the fans, think they sign someone as they sign with another team, and now this. Buffalo is going to screw them over huge in the future.

PantherSpiegs said...

I think we'll have to see how this all shakes out. It screams as an underhanded, dirty move. I'm sure the NHL will be looking at this and whatever loophole Edmonton has exposed. I do believe they have the right to make changes on the fly after the new CBA. It should provide for great drama nonetheless. As long as Buffalo comes out worse in this, I'm happy.

MJDiVo said...

Well officially Edmonton is playing by the rules so it's hard for me to classify it as a "dirty move". I do not like that it is a possibility to be able to sign players away. To me it just seems to be anti-productive when you spend years drafting and developing players. If management screws up and can't re-sign a player then that's there fault, but to "steal" a player, I don't like it one bit.

MJDiVo said...

And I still want to know what those comments meant from Vanek's agent. I can't find anything else on it.

Anonymous said...

Turns out the big winner in this whole ordeal is Vanek. He gets his (over) payday sooner than he ever imagined. The Oilers lose for obvious reasons, including future retribution from the Sabres. In a way, the Sabres lose by tying up more money than they planned for Vanek. And the NHL loses, since yet another bar has been set for player value. Fun stuff, this cap era.